Tuesday, July 3, 2012

hmmm...what do I need to do?

Here it is, 4:30 pm the night before we leave for Europe.  I still have not gotten a call about that job.  I am SO disappointed.  I know I told them I was leaving a week after the interview. 

My mom asked me after I interviewed, "how old are these people who were interviewing you?"  They were both younger than me and then she just said, "hmmm".  She thinks that because they are younger than me that they will not appreciate how good I am as an employee.  That is disappointing.  I want her to be wrong.  Sad thing is....she is right a lot of the time.

I am sad about this. 

But excited to go to Europe tomorrow.  Might have to find a xanax....

Friday, June 29, 2012

do good things come to those who wait?

I am waiting, trying to be patient, but feeling....IMPATIENT.  Fretting, wishing, hoping. 

Like there is anything I can do at this point.  But still.  CALL ME AND HIRE ME ALREADY.


Thursday, June 28, 2012

hot hot hot

I need to make myself blog more often.  Get these thoughts out of my head and into cyberspace.

I quit my job on June 1st. Deliriously happy about that.  I do need to FIND a new job.  Have a couple applications out at two local colleges.  One called me for an interview last week - the interview was yesterday.

I think, overall, the interview went well.  It is a clerk job in the registrar's office where I would work with the graduation auditors, ordering diplomas, taking phone calls, working at graduation.  Data entry work - which I am VERY GOOD at.

As in all interviews, they always ask generic questions and most of the time you come up with something right away and then there is the one that stumps you.  When have I been in a situation like that?  How do I best respond to this to sound like the fabulous person I am?  I am sure I answered just fine, but as I wait for their decision, the second guessing comes creeping in my brain.

I did have 2 fabulous letters of recommendation, one from my former boss - let me tell you that what he wrote was incredibly glowing and wonderful - I was shocked.  The other from 2 gals who were/are presidents of the school PTO and I did a lot of work for them.  They love me.  I would HOPE those put me over the top.

I AM a good employee, I am loyal, resourceful, hardworking and talented.  Did these gals get that?  I have no idea but I hope so.  Perhaps they will make the decision by tomorrow.

Other things happening in life include the fact is is hotter than HELL and our air conditioning is NOT working.  UGH.  I am so tired of being hot.  Tater the dog is a panting mess.  Today we went to my mother's house and sat at the top of the hill overlooking the lake.  Great breeze.  Also took one of my kids old sleds and filled it with water and kept our feet in it.  It helped.

A week from today I will be in Europe - Lausanne Switzerland, actually.  Visiting friends who are there on a 3 year work stint.  Then on Sunday we take the train to Toulouse France to visit more friends.  Never been to Europe.  So excited to go, trying to not stress.  I do ok with flying but I have never been on this long of a flight.

Hoping with my next entry that I can say I GOT A JOB.  HIRE ME HIRE ME HIRE ME HIRE ME.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

it's over

today at 2pm I resigned my position at school.  it was emotional, it was hard, it needed to be done.

I feel better already.

the time is 4:13pm. 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

end of the road....

I have turned in my notice to my athletic director and resigned my golf coach job.  My principal today emailed me and asked when I was going to turn in my resignation as he gathered after our April conversation that I was not returning.  and we need to chat.

Hope he isn't planning on me writing a bible for my replacement.  not happening.

only 6 1/2 more days.  we can do this.

in the meantime...2 job applications out at the moment.  hoping for a phone call soon

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


so I had an interview this afternoon for a job I really really really want.  It looks like a constantly changing environment where I will never be bored.  In a theatre.  With new people all the time.  And fun.

I think I did well in the interview but SUCKED on the typing test.  UGH UGH UGH UGH.  I hate typing tests.  I have been practicing for a week and choked when I got there.  Worst ever.  Hopefully they will overlook that. I could just cry.

If not, I am done applying for a while..unless something perfect comes along.  Probably will end up working as a cashier somewhere.....can't do it anymore................ 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


where is that flipping job fairy with her wand?  Haven't gotten any calls for interviews...haven't seen any jobs to apply for. 

Did get a good laugh about the conversation with my boss last week - he found out I had been interviewing.  Wanted to know why I hadn't told him.  Really?  You think I need to share that with you?  

I did enjoy telling him I needed a year round job and a job where I was valued.  He gave me the deer in the headlights look.  Great look on him.  Then he proceeded to tell me what I do is so important...blah blah blah.  NOTE:  what I DO, not I AM.  Fail asshole.  Then he wanted to know why I didn't tell him things weren't working out.  Gee....why wouldn't I tell you that?  Probably because when I did you wanted to FIRE me last fall.  Such a dope.  I told him it would only put me where I was currently - stuffed in the corner.  Forgotten, ignored.  Oh, except when he wants something done. 

And then I need to quit the coaching job too.  Need to make an appointment with my AD on that one before the end of the month....

Well job fairy - do your thing.  I am waiting.............

Sunday, April 1, 2012

spring break

so so glad to not have to work this week. on my last 1/2 day before vacation I was SO LUCKY to have to make 84 phone calls to those who didn't call their kids in. took me 2 hours. i didn't get done until AFTER school was dismissed. yeah fun. NOT. just plain stupid.

hoping hoping hoping that one of the job applications I have out now calls me for an interview this week. please. please. please

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


still waiting for a call on the two jobs I interviewed for nearly 2 weeks ago. One of the jobs is ideal - full time, benefits, tuition discount and an opportunity to MOVE within! The other one is part time, less $. Not so ideal.

tonight I checked the website on the first one and discovered that it looks as I have "re-applied" for that job. Strange. I sent an email to someone who might know what that means.

I am just hoping it means they want me, are going to hire me and I can move on out of the drudgery I am in now.....

Friday, February 17, 2012



so...a friend told me of a job on Tuesday, send it my things on Wednesday, got a notification for an interview TODAY. Going next Friday. whoooooo

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

wishing...hoping...keeping my fingers crossed....

Applied for another job today. I feel hopeful about this. I am almost scared of that.

Please please please please please please please please please please all Karama and good things. I need to escape the hell of the current job and move on with life.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

perhaps a possibility?

a friend sent me a job posting at her company today. I was VERY intrigued by it. One of the items about was willing to work as a TEAM. YAY. What I SO DO NOT HAVE NOW! It is only a part time job, but my friend said there is a possibility that full time could happen. Even if it didn't...I am going for it. Can always get a second job....

Sending the resume, etc in the morning. Cross your fingers.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


26 students grace my room every day. ALL DAY LONG. I have no privacy, no time to myself. No where to shut myself in and made a phone call no one needs to overhear. This number has grown daily. Today it grew by 4. Seriously.

I know this is the part of my job I hate the most - makes me want to walk out the door. I have to do this because "I am the only one who can...". BULLSHIT.

Between that and calling stupid parents who don't remember they should call their child in to school when they are sick EVERY F-ING day...I HATE MY JOB.

Don't get me wrong, there are parts I like - the website updating, the sign updating, newsletters, etc. But this supervising students & phone calls has entirely overwhelmed it and made it all suck.

I really hate the fact I want to cry every time I leave work because I am so defeated. There is no light at the end of this tunnel.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

this is getting OLD

so...still hate my job. Applied for 2 more recently. One today and one a couple weeks ago. Someone somewhere needs to give me a chance to get out.

and have I said lately that the virtual high school thing is stupid? yep, hate it with a vengeance. idiot people running the help desk who are no help at all. blaming it on our computers, which one of our best IT guys said - I don't think so.....

good grief. this struggle bus needs to let me off and go on to some other person who needs it. like the people that need to be hit by the karma bus. yep. works for me.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


hate my job. yep, just hate it. I find it more difficult each day to go there. hate the room move my principal did to me at the beginning of the year, hate watching kids in the computer lab take virtual classes taught by people who have current teaching certificates but I question if they really know what they are doing. hate being isolated in a flipping corner.


while I realize other people have bigger problems, etc. I can understand that. but guess what - this is MY life and right now the work part of it sucks beyond all reason.

glad I wasted the time and money to finish my bachelor's degree. all it did was put me in debt. thanks for nothing.


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

construction failures part 2 and then some

so....they put work orders in to fix this mess. See photo. Who knows how long this will take. The IT guys who need to change the data connection might be more trouble than the electric. haven't seen anything yet.

3 more job application rejections. Wow. Going back to school and finishing my bachelor's degree was a great success into going into debt with student loans. FAIL

Saturday, January 7, 2012

construction failures

I can't remember if I complained (HA) about this but....

so last summer they finished construction on our building. I got moved to a new room - to supervise a computer lab with students who take Michigan Virtual High School classes. (another story in itself) I told the principal it was a demotion - he did not agree. Regardless, it was a demotion.

I have been isolated once again, feel very much alone and not part of the team. oh joy. HATE IT. HATE IT VERY MUCH. I have never hated my job like I do now.

back to the room - when it was "finished" the only things that had changed was the room had new furniture, a large screen tv and carpet. Oh, and one new cabinet where the controls for the large tv and corresponding computer are housed.

I complained. Imagine that. I complained loud. Got myself in trouble for doing so but I did succeed in getting new cabinets - like every other room in the building - that would be installed over Winter Break.

So the cabinets were installed last week, I was in the building and checked them out. They look fantastic. One slight problem. They installed them over the jacks work for my computer, my phone and the power.

So I ran into a guy in charge and he rather blew me off. He said - oh we can make cut outs in the backs of the cabinets and put grommets in to pull the wiring up and put my phone on the counter top. Ummmmmm I make attendance calls. Sometimes there are nearly a 100 to make. NOT going to make those from the counter.

I saw the building principal the same day and mentioned it to him. Might as well talk to the wind.

So today, I went up and dropped off my plants that I brought home over break. My desk was put back in the same place it had been (good). There is no where to plug anything in (bad). I sent an email to the principal AND his secretary.

Seeing as I have about 4 things that need to be done first thing on Monday, lets see how long this takes to get fixed.

Stay tuned.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

same old and then some

This Christmas break is flying by so fast. We have had a guest from France since the 16th and she is off to stay with her host family from last year for the last few days she is here. Friday we take her back to O'Hare to fly home. I miss her already. And she is still in Portage. She is most definitely my child from another mother. :)

Christmas was busy and crazy, both my siblings were here - my sister with her girlfriend/wife or whatever she is. That was interesting....the woman talks non-stop, loud, drinks a lot. Really don't get why my sister loves her. She was nice but made me (and my mom) crazy.

My brother was good, he is doing well, missing his son terribly though.

We are enjoying being members of St. Tom's rather than St. Catherine's. Many people from St. Catherine's are showing up there....you think the bishop would cop a clue.

Still haven't found myself a new job, despite numerous applications out. I hope, wish, pray, that the right job comes soon. I so badly want to be out of where I am, have an excuse to quit golf as well. I need something new. Be a team player where I am actually on a team that communicates with me, values my input and makes me feel more than an afterthought.
