Friday, February 17, 2012



so...a friend told me of a job on Tuesday, send it my things on Wednesday, got a notification for an interview TODAY. Going next Friday. whoooooo

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

wishing...hoping...keeping my fingers crossed....

Applied for another job today. I feel hopeful about this. I am almost scared of that.

Please please please please please please please please please please all Karama and good things. I need to escape the hell of the current job and move on with life.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

perhaps a possibility?

a friend sent me a job posting at her company today. I was VERY intrigued by it. One of the items about was willing to work as a TEAM. YAY. What I SO DO NOT HAVE NOW! It is only a part time job, but my friend said there is a possibility that full time could happen. Even if it didn't...I am going for it. Can always get a second job....

Sending the resume, etc in the morning. Cross your fingers.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


26 students grace my room every day. ALL DAY LONG. I have no privacy, no time to myself. No where to shut myself in and made a phone call no one needs to overhear. This number has grown daily. Today it grew by 4. Seriously.

I know this is the part of my job I hate the most - makes me want to walk out the door. I have to do this because "I am the only one who can...". BULLSHIT.

Between that and calling stupid parents who don't remember they should call their child in to school when they are sick EVERY F-ING day...I HATE MY JOB.

Don't get me wrong, there are parts I like - the website updating, the sign updating, newsletters, etc. But this supervising students & phone calls has entirely overwhelmed it and made it all suck.

I really hate the fact I want to cry every time I leave work because I am so defeated. There is no light at the end of this tunnel.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

this is getting OLD

so...still hate my job. Applied for 2 more recently. One today and one a couple weeks ago. Someone somewhere needs to give me a chance to get out.

and have I said lately that the virtual high school thing is stupid? yep, hate it with a vengeance. idiot people running the help desk who are no help at all. blaming it on our computers, which one of our best IT guys said - I don't think so.....

good grief. this struggle bus needs to let me off and go on to some other person who needs it. like the people that need to be hit by the karma bus. yep. works for me.