Thursday, January 30, 2014

fed up to here.....

yet another fun day at the funny farm.

I am tired of having to defend and explain decisions made by other people higher up at work with no support.  I am tired of people whining their asses off to get their way when we just try to follow the rules and tell them no.

looking forward to leaving there and starting a new adventure. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

wow - 2 days in a row??

So today was not an easy day - for the most part, me, K & M were ALONE because there isn't enough coverage.  Oh joy.  And will we get more?  NOPE.

Talked with the hubby about the prospective job, and he is fine with me going for a new job with lower pay and no benefits.  I am a lucky girl to be married to him. 

I just emailed the gal I talked to and trying to set up a meeting with her to talk more.  I hope this is what works for me as the current one is not the ticket. 

That in itself makes me sad. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

seriously...where have I been?

yep, ignored the blog once again. Time has gotten away from me.

Almost a year ago I wrote about my new job, how much I love it and my co workers.  And time marches on.

I still LOVE the fabulous A, M, K & E that I work with, the rest of them can just disappear.

The bosses boss has a vendetta out for my boss, and in the meantime is making life ridiculous for all the rest of us.

The new girl we hired to be the receptionist hasn't shown up in a week, and now has decided she needs to be on medical leave.  (I personally think she is mental).  My boss is going on a 10 day vacation starting tomorrow.  They cut the part time person's hours so she can't help out at work and so that leaves me and the other full time gal.  yeah right.

so today I spoke with a friend who owns a local business and she would love me to work for her.  great right?  well, the pay is significantly less, no benefits (but hubby has those).   UGH!

what to do?  wishing for a magic wand and a winning lotto ticket. 

I just want to cry, get under the covers and discover all this shit is a bad dream.